Thursday, January 28, 2010
smug alert!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
360 cubic feet of water on the roof given .03 inches of rain in an hour (not unreasonable I found a website with hourly updates that seemed to be a good average).
37.7 cubic feet in the pipe.
360/37.7 gives the flow. This is cubic feet per minute; for this equation it is 9.5 cubic feet a minute in this instance.
The formula for calculating Horsepower with Hydroelectric Dams is given as:
Hp = 64.2 x F x H
Hp= Horsepower (176 Watts)
F= Flow (9.5 in this case)
H = Height (in this case 6')
33,000 is some number related to Horsepower that I couldn't explain here, suffice to say it is a constant.
64.2 x 9.5 x 6
would end up equaling .1 Hp or a little less than 20 Watts. Except that I plan on using to turbines (hence the 13' long pipe 6' drop and a little extra for the turbines) so it would be hopefully 40 Watts. With two turbines and a hopefully steady flow of rain a six hour average rain storm could hopefully yield 200 Watts!
If anyone wants to see more math (I hope this wasn't too much for this post) or has any ideas about storage let me know!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
project usb
Project update for solar powered USB charger project… I received my solar panel Wednesday and it is half the size as I thought it was going to be but luckily I usually go for overkill and hear in the land of northwest moss and rain even a half a foot should be enough now I want to get some of the electric guts that I will need to make sure my phone will like the power that my project kicks out I just fried one of my cell phones messing around without waiting for necessary parts first… oh well I knew I was going to be destroying stuff right and left so I didn’t cry for too long. Also I will be putting in the order tonight for the “guts” that I will need (instead of buying a lot of single electrical parts I like to buy something that might have the parts what for less $$$$) then strip those parts out. That rebuild center was great and it was a lot like Free Geek (where I volunteer from time to time, so it was cool when Zach said we could earn extra credit for volunteering there) at the Rebuild Center!!! Matthew
Beer brewing this weekend + class related stuff
For monday be ready to talk about the project you are starting to work on, if you haven't already talked about it. After the quick presentations you will need to start collecting materials for the projects. By next friday we should be ready to start construction!
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Friday 1/21
Portland, OR 97227-1156
Monday, January 18, 2010
links, info, etc
also a link to the Eugene Schools best practices manual- which talks about how they switched to composting at 7 elementary schools with earth tubs http://
Friday, January 15, 2010
I would love to make a usb solarpowered power source… I have the feeling that in my chosen career path; many times I will be camping in the woods away from any conventional power source. No, not a terrorist but a field biologist in case you think I am a dangerous nut or something. Here is the link to the instuctables project that gave me inspiration of course I will be modifying this project big time, as I build it and I will be blogging about all of my adventures (or misadventures) in making this project; but already I will be replacing the solar panel from radio shack part #277-1205 1.28” inches square to a panel that is roughly one square foot (about ten times larger). So on Tuesday or Wednesday when I get the solar panel in the mail, I will start to look at the power output because I will want to match it up with regular USB power output, then with any leftover power, I might want to store in a battery or something so I can listen to my music late at night too. Matthew
instructables ideas (due Fri, 1/15/2010)
a water-proof solar charger that you can use for, e.g., charging your cell phone.
What makes it cool?
1. It's water-proof.
2. It connects to two AAA batteries, which means -- you can let the batteries charge all day, and then hook up your cell phone to charge at night. Just like a regular charger!
... This is as opposed to an "emergency" solar charger that you might carry on a hiking trip, and you'd have to leave your cell phone hooked directly up to it for a full day or more. Vs with this one, you can just charge the batteries.
3. Oh, in fact, it could even just function as a battery charger. Apparently it's fairly simple to substitute other battery types (like AA) instead. Have a digital camera that runs off them?
4. It will save you (a little) money!
II) These look like cheap metal racks that might be used in an oven, maybe? or something -- but cheap metal racks that get thrown away or sold for a buck.
Very easy, affordable way to make hanging (non-mounted) and adjustable shelves, if you need something cheap and can't mount something but you do have something to hang them by.
... The title pretty much says it all.
Not much in the way of explicit instructions, unfortunately; but what he does write, plus the pictures, are enough that I think I could put one together. It *would* be useful (though I don't know if it would fit in my current space).
IV) Another not-real-explicit project, but again, the pictures + some text seem that they'd be enough:
V) YES. This is just the sort of thing I've been brainstorming myself, thinking about ways to get my clothes organized (with minimum sustained effort, of course). It's larger than it should be for my needs, so I'd probably just adapt it to be smaller.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Terrariums! using lightbulbs, ornaments
Terrariums using recycled materials from around your house or the detritus leftover from the holidays!
Seed Balls!
Easy planting in hard to reach areas or gardening on the fly (or the sly)...
Grow a garden in your toilet tank
I thought this idea was lovely - utilizing a constant water source that we all have in our homes as a means of growing plants indoors! Check out the video - it is pretty hilarious!
Am I a artiest yet?
For Friday 1/14
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Worm Compost Bag
Check out this vermiculture composting system that reduces smell and makes bins easier to clean, created by artist Amy Young.
This instructable has made a low fi adaptation to Young's design. The table top can be turned into a cutting board so you can just scoop your scraps directly into the compost. Huzzah!
Rotating Compost Bins
I've been wanting to experiment with making stacked rotating compost bins. This design peaked my interest though i've made a few sketches of some alternative configuration of the barrels and also the possibility of having more than just 2 barrels. It would be ideal for a neighborhood or street where a community has decided they want to have on-site easy and accessible composting...
Monday, January 11, 2010
bicycle powered blender
+) bicycle powered blender - mobile
+) bicycle powered food processor - stationary
+)a passive solar dehydrator might be good for preserving fruit from his cherry and pear trees and other fruit gleaned via
I run a gallery and grassroots hub in Old Town Chinatown, called SEA Change. SEA = Social Environmental Art. As a physical symbol of this mission, I'd like to add some homemade solar panels or windturbines to the roof:
+) solar panel from broken solar cells
+) solar panel diy
+) wind turbine from old scanner - I bet Free Geek has free broken scanners
I'd also like to build some planters for the inside. Since the gallery is downtown, the air is pretty polluted. Some native ferns and other air cleaning plants could do wonders for my health and make the gallery more inviting:
+) Zach also suggested building wood planter boxes and water catchment trays lines with trash bags.
+) Living walls could be another cool option:
Due friday
Three interesting home made batteries/generators
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
projects for me
My previous blog on the instrucables projects was not accepted for some strange reason; most likely because it was my first attempt blogging. But the two projects I would like to work on would be solar powered iphone and ipod. But I am not an apple guy so I will destroy an mp3 and a disposable phone instead; no crying for me when I screw up my machines.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Carbon Foot Print Of Alexander Kern
~Cell Phone
~Lap Top Computer
~Desk Top Computer
~Street Fighter IV Arcade Machine
~X-Box 360 and Television
My estimated greenhouse gas emissions was 16 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per year, which is below the U.S. national average.
I guess I am not as helpful to The Earth Goddess Gaia as I originally believed.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Websites mentioned in class
The other website is and this is where your first assignment comes from. We will also be making something from this site on friday, if you have an recommendations post them on blog.
See you all friday.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Alternative Energy Design/Build Syllabus
This course is for people who are interested in the process of invention and want to have a hand-on relationship with that process. DIY culture will be used as a model for work ethic, and personal satisfaction. For inspiration we will look at examples such as the first Gutenberg printing press, communities living off the energy grid, and other forms of alternative energy production.
Half of every class and the last 3 weeks will be dedicated to making machines that will produce energy. Each student will be responsible for designing a machine they can use on a daily basis to power small electronics, such as cell phones or iPods. Each machine will be unique to the inventor.
Material Lab fee of $40 is required for each student.
Upon completion of this course students will understand the historical and contemporary motivation behind DIY culture, and how those ideas can function on a practical level. Students will be able to safely design and build their own energy production machines based on knowledge of historical experiments, current surrounding conditions and their personal interests.
While building their machines, students will gain knowledge on how to safely use both hand tools and power tools in an effective way. The skills taught in this course will give each student the opportunity to become an inventor, so when improvements need to be made on their machine they can pin point the problem, research the reason, and improve their design.
Community Connection
After the class has ended and the machines are being used in the inventor’s daily life there will be conversations outside of the classroom that happen because of the machine they are using. By having an intimate design/build/use relationship with that machine, they will be able to educate people on their creation and what purpose it serves in their life.
On the weekend of May 1 there will be a series of workshops at the Seachange Gallery where students from this course will teach how to build the machines they built in class. The projects will be documented and presented at Portland State for the last two weeks in May.
Your grade is based on your performance in this class, which includes not only the quality of what you produce, but also how you contribute to the class through participation.
Each project will receive a letter grade based on:
25% - craftsmanship & presentation
25% - ambition & work ethic
25% - experimentation
25% - documentation to class blog
Final course evaluation will be based on:
25% - class participation
25% - Blog posting
25% - Instructable Project
25% - Final Project
Grading scale
A (100-94%), A- (93-90%), B+ (89-87%), B (86-84%), B- (83-80%), C+ (79- 77%), C (76-74%)
C- (73-70%), D+ (69-67%), D (66-64%), D- (63-60%), F (59-0%)
Extra Credit
Almost every Monday night there is an artist lecture at 7:30 in Shattack Hall Annex. If you attend one of these and write a brief page response to the lecture you can receive 2 extra credit points towards final grade.
Write an artists statement and post it on the class blog for 2 extra credit points towards final grade.
Class Schedule
Week 1
Jan 4 Look over syllabus. Introduction to Woodshop with Eric Franklin
Jan 8 Talk about blog (, discuss carbon footprints
HW: Make a list of all the personal electronics you use in a day, use a carbon footprint calculator to find what yours is in a day, post what you found on blog
Week 2
Jan 11 Guttenberg’s printing press.
HW: Find a project on you could make and use in your daily life. Write a short blog post about the project and link to the instructable. Gather materials and tools needed to make the instructable and bring to class.
Jan 15 Work day
HW: Finish instructable, post results on blog. Bring project to class on 22nd.
Week 3
Jan 18 Martin Luther King Day, no class
Jan 22 Talk about projects, discuss the processes.
HW: Read Temporary Services: DIY, write notes and questions for discussion.
Week 4
Jan 25 DIY reading discussion. Plan field trip to The Rebuilding Center. Start brainstorming machines as a class.
HW: Post 3 ideas for machines you could build on blog.
Jan 29 Field trip to The Rebuilding Center, get lunch together.
Week 5
Feb 1 Look at blog posts, discuss ideas, narrow each set of 3 down to 1
HW: Start designing machine, bring drawings to class.
Feb 5 Class discussion of designs
HW: Make improvements on design. Post on blog about your proposed machine and the materials needed.
Week 6
Feb 8 Discuss materials needed and where they can be found.
HW: Gather materials
Feb 12 Work day in woodshop
Week 7
Feb 15 Work day in woodshop
Feb 19 No class
Week 8
Feb 22 Work day in woodshop
Feb 26 Work day in woodshop
Week 9
Mar 1 Work day in woodshop
Mar 5 Work day in woodshop
Week 10
Mar 8 Class presentations of machines
Mar 12 Class presentations of machines. Course evaluations
***This syllabus is not a contract and can change due to circumstances.